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Beautiful Trojan Youth Crossword Clue

WEB Crossword Clue Answer for "Beautiful Trojan youth carried off by Zeus"

Answer: Ganymede


In Greek mythology, Ganymede was a beautiful Trojan youth who was carried off by Zeus to serve as the cupbearer of the gods on Mount Olympus. Zeus was said to have been so smitten with Ganymede's beauty that he transformed himself into an eagle to abduct him.

Ganymede's story is often interpreted as a metaphor for the transition from childhood to adulthood. As a young boy, Ganymede is taken from his home and family and brought to a new world of power and responsibility. He is transformed from a mortal into an immortal and given a place among the gods.

Ganymede's story has been depicted in art and literature for centuries. He is often portrayed as a beautiful youth with a delicate face and a graceful figure. In some depictions, he is shown carrying a cup or a jug, symbolizing his role as cupbearer to the gods.
