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New York Congressman Under Investigation


Jamaal Bowman Accused of Fire Alarm Hoax

New York Congressman Under Investigation

Melissa Oppenheimer, Bowman's Wife, Issues Statement

Jamaal Bowman, a Democratic congressman from New York, has been accused of pulling a fire alarm in a US House of Representatives office building on September 30, 2023. The incident occurred as Congress debated a possible government shutdown.

According to witness accounts, Bowman activated a fire alarm on the 9th floor of the Longworth House Office Building. The alarm caused a brief evacuation of the building, which was later determined to be a false alarm. Capitol Police are currently investigating the incident.

Bowman's wife, Melissa Oppenheimer, released a statement defending her husband. Oppenheimer claimed that Bowman activated the alarm inadvertently while attempting to fix a stuck door. She also stated that Bowman has been diagnosed with ADHD and PTSD, which may have contributed to the incident.

The accusations against Bowman have garnered significant media attention. If proven true, the incident could have serious consequences for his political career. Bowman is a rising star in the Democratic Party and is considered a potential candidate for higher office in the future.

As the investigation continues, it remains to be seen whether Bowman will face any disciplinary action or criminal charges. However, the incident has already cast a shadow over his reputation and could damage his ability to effectively represent his constituents.

